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Why Kramer’s Eye?

Because I want you to have more fun when you look at things. 

It’s that simple.

People underuse their eyes all the time, whether they’re going about their daily life, or looking at special things like art or photographs. 

I think that’s a huge shame, and most of the work I’ve done over the past 10 years or so has been focused on rediscovering what they’ve always overlooked. 

In addition, I love looking at art, and I think that too many people take art, or rather, looking at art, way too seriously on the one hand - and not seriously enough on the other. 

They feel intimidated, insecure about what they’re supposed to see, think, feel, do etc. They wonder whether they’re knowledgeable enough to even entertain an opinion. 

And on the other hand a lot of people hardly look at art properly. They stand in front of a work for a couple of seconds before they move on to the next. 

Kramer’s Eye aims to slow you down - whether you’re looking at a Rembrandt or at your shampoo bottle - and to start noticing amazing stuff. 

What’s in it for you?


Plain, unadulterated joy in discovering how many amazing things are waiting to be seen. 

In discovering patterns, overarching themes, connections. 

In learning to see.

A journey of discovery. 

Each week you’ll discover art works, objects, makers. 

And get fresh perspectives on what you already know. 

What do you need to have fun with this podcast?

Curiosity. And some irreverence. 

I strongly recommend that you take pictures of around the weekly theme - it helps you focus. 

These don’t need to be masterpieces - think of them as visual notes. They’re for you. Not to impress the rest of the world with. 

To do this you’ll need some kind of camera, it really doesn’t matter what kind. A smartphone is fine. So is a super fancy DSLR. Whatever works for you. 

Every Monday I’ll announce a new theme - and there’ll be a daily podcast where I focus on different aspects and specific works of said theme.

All you need to do is listen, look, and capture that theme in whatever way you see fit. 

You can think of it as a challenge, if you’re into that kind of thing. 

You can also use it as a visual journal. 

It can even be your daily meditation. 

Again, use this the way that works best for you. 

You might like to team up with other people. Friends, photography buddies, fellow art-lovers, colleagues. 

Or you can check out what other people are seeing - and share your own observations - using the hashtag #kramerseye when sharing your pictures on social media. 

But basically, all you need to do is look - and the magic will follow. 

Are you ready to look at the world with fresh eyes?

Then follow the daily micro-podcasts. You can view the latest edition here

Want to make sure you don’t miss any new episodes? Sign up for the RSS feed or follow @kramerseye on Instagram.