I am a stationery junkie.
I love to unwrap a new notebook, to buy beautiful cards or letter writing sets.
The joy of putting pen to beautiful paper, the feel of it gliding over the smooth surface, and the expansive feeling I get from giving room to my thoughts and feelings make buying beautiful stationery a joy.
Frida Kahlo, Journal
But I equally like to dwell on the pages of artist’s notebooks and journals, for example the crazy explosions of emotion and colour by Frida Kahlo, and the scientific explorations of Leonardo da Vinci.
Leonardo da Vinci, Notebook
Today, share the stationery you love.
It can be blank, pristine, waiting patiently for your thoughts, or art, or both.
Or share those pages by artists and thinker you admire.
Use the hashtag #kramerseye on Twitter or Instagram.