If looking at handles for a week has taught me one thing it’s how ingenious we are as humans.
Handles betray a deep desire to optimise, to make things more efficient, safer, easier.
But it’s also taught me another thing: as much as we love practicality, we also love beauty.
I have seen whimsical handles on canes, umbrellas, teapots, handbags, and many other things.
And I love how we can’t suppress the urge to beautify the daily.
Here are some suggestions to play with handles over the weekend.
Design the perfect door handle
Draw, paint, cut out or otherwise design a door handle you would love to have.
It can be curvaceous, stern, simple, elaborate - it’s all up to you.
Design the next packaging handle
Most packaging handles aren’t reusable. We’ve seen a whole revolution in bringing our own bags when we go shopping - why not bring our own handle too?
What kind of handle can you think of that would help you handle bulk and be reusable over and over again? If your idea is really good please don’t share it on social media but get it patented first!
Add handles to things which don’t yet have them
If you want to get really creative start thinking about which objects you would love to add handles to.
Elephants? Toddlers? Big bottles of champagne?
Cut out and collage, or use a photo app to add handles to anything you want to make easier to handle.
Look for historical handles
What did handles look like hundreds of years ago? Paintings, etches and drawing are a good place to start. Keep your eye out for handles in museums or online collections, and create a historical timeline of the handle.
Hunt for the most beautiful handle
If you enjoyed looking at crazily crafted handles over the past week as much as I did why not take a bit more time and hunt for handles in online art collections. Create your own top 3, and design a special award to hand out.
Have fun playing with handles this weekend and do share your creations using the hashtag #kramerseye on Twitter or Instagram.
Listen to today’s podcast